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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - freedom


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Перевод с английского языка freedom на русский


степень свободы; степень подвижности

freedom from stick-slip — отсутствие прерывистого скольжения (при малых скоростях перемещений)

freedom of movementgimbal freedomrotating freedom

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См. в других словарях

  • почетная привилегия• почетное право ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  of the city почетное гражданство и вытекающие из него привилегии FREEDOM of the seas свободное мореплавание для судов нейтралов во время войны FREEDOM of worship свобода совести FREEDOM noun  1) свобода, независимость  2) право, привилегия freedom of speech (of the press) - свобода слова (печати) academic freedoms - академические свободы (права университетов и студенческого волеизъявления) - freedom of the city - freedom of the seas  3) свободное пользование  4) coll. свобода, вольность to take/use freedoms with smb. - позволять себе вольности по отношению к кому-л. Syn: see right FREEDOM of conscience свобода совести; свобода вероисповедания ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. свобода, независимость the freedom of a country —- независимость страны to enjoy freedom —- пользоваться свободой, быть свободным (независимым) to give slaves their freedom —- освободить рабов to fight for freedom —- бороться за свободу 2. (from) свобода, освобождение (от чего-л.) freedom from fear —- свобода от страха freedom from care —- свобода от забот, беззаботность freedom from want —- свобода от нужды; обеспеченность freedom from taxes —- освобождение от налогов, необложение налогами freedom from a burden —- облегчение, легкость 3. право, свобода freedom and necessity —- филос. свобода и необходимость freedom of the will —- филос. свобода воли freedom of speech —- свобода слова freedom of worship —- свобода отправления религиозных культов you have perfect freedom to do as you like —- вы имеете полное право поступать так, как вам заблагорассудится 4. почетные права и привилегии the freedom of a city —- почетное гражданство города academic freedoms —- унив. академические свободы 5. свободное пользование to have the freedom of a library —- свободно пользоваться чей-л. библиотекой to give a friend the freedom of one's house —- предоставить свой дом знакомому в его полное распоряжение 6. прямота, откровенность to speak with freedom —- высказываться прямо (откровенно) 7. разг. вольность, свобода to take (to use) freedoms with smb. —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. свобода, независимость - economic freedom - freedom of association - freedom of choice - freedom of contract - freedom of enterprise - freedom of expression - freedom of information - freedom of press - freedom of religion - freedom of speech FREEDOM – freedom of action – freedom of trade – freedom of use ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  свобода number of degrees of freedom — число степеней свободы vibrational degree of freedom — физ. степень свободы колебательная ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  свобода; степень свободы design freedom motion freedom rotational freedom ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  степень свободы - freedom of the air - axial freedom - motion freedom ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   noun  Date: before 12th century  1. the quality or state of being free: as  a. the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action  b. liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another ; independence  c. the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous ~ from care  d. ease, facility spoke the language with ~  e. the quality of being frank, open, or outspoken answered with ~  f. improper familiarity  g. boldness of conception or execution  h. unrestricted use gave him the ~ of their home  2.  a. a political right  b. franchise, privilege Synonyms:  ~, liberty, license mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. ~ has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated ~ of the press. liberty suggests release from former restraint or compulsion the released prisoner had difficulty adjusting to his new liberty. license implies ~ specially granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of ~ ~ without responsibility may degenerate into license. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (freedoms) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Freedom is the state of being allowed to do what you want to do. Freedoms are instances of this. ...freedom of speech... They want greater political freedom... Today we have the freedom to decide our own futures... The United Nations Secretary-General has spoken of the need for individual freedoms and human rights. N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 2. When prisoners or slaves are set free or escape, they gain their freedom. ...the agreement worked out by the UN, under which all hostages and detainees would gain their freedom. = liberty N-UNCOUNT: oft poss N 3. Freedom from something you do not want means not being affected by it. ...all the freedom from pain that medicine could provide. ...freedom from government control. N-UNCOUNT: N from n 4. The freedom of a particular city is a special honour which is given to a famous person who is connected with that city, or to someone who has performed some special service for the city. N-SING: the N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the right to do what you want without being controlled or restricted by anyone  (The protest is about the infringement of our democratic freedoms. | freedom of speech/expression/choice etc (=the legal right to choose, express yourself etc))  (The journalists claimed they were being denied the right to freedom of expression.) 2 the state of being free and allowed to do what you want  (Kids have too much freedom these days. | freedom to do sth)  (Women have gained the freedom to decide whether or not to marry. | complete freedom)  (The teachers are given complete freedom in their choice of teaching methods.) 3 the state of being free because you are not in prison  (One of the escaped prisoners was arrested again after only 48 hours of freedom.) 4 freedom from the state of not being affected by something that makes you worried, unhappy, afraid etc  (The new supplies will ensure temporary freedom from starvation and disease. | freedom from worry) 5 freedom of information the availability to everyone of information that a government has about people and organizations 6 freedom of the city an honour in Britain that gives someone the right to be a full member of a city  (- compare liberty) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  educ. abbr. Florida Rapid Entry To Enhanced Data Online For Medicaid ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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